Solar panels are a fantastic way to generate clean energy and reduce your reliance on the grid. But many homeowners face this one issue: inefficiency.   

The Problem: 

  1. Dusty Panels, Dim Savings: Over time, dust, grime, and even bird droppings can accumulate on your panels, reducing their ability to capture sunlight. Additionally, shade from nearby trees can significantly hinder power generation. 
  2. Surplus Solar Charges: Sometimes, generating too much solar power can have unintended consequences. An oversized system might create excess energy you can't use during the day, forcing it back to the grid and some providers might charge you for this "export." 

The result? Lower than expected energy savings and a less-than-optimal return on your solar investment.  

Fortunately, there are smart ways to deal with it! Let’s look at the top 5! 

Simple Steps for Solar Efficiency and Savings

1. Right-Size Your System

Just like buying clothes, selecting the appropriate solar system size is crucial.  Collaborate with a reputable solar installer to conduct an energy audit.

This analysis determines your typical energy consumption and helps you choose a system size that meets your needs without generating excess power.  An oversized system might create more electricity than you can use, and without battery storage this can result in unnecessary costs if your provider charges for exporting excess energy back to the grid.

2. Periodic Maintenance

Solar panels, like any other machinery, require regular maintenance to function optimally. 

Schedule periodic cleaning to remove dust, bird droppings, or any debris that might obstruct sunlight reaching the panels.  Additionally, routine inspections ensure your system operates efficiently and identify any potential issues early on.

3. Align Energy Use with Peak Production

Solar panels generate the most power during daylight hours.  Consider strategically scheduling energy-intensive tasks like running a pool pump, laundry or heating and cooling for afternoons when your panels are producing the most electricity. 

This approach maximises self-consumption and minimises reliance on the grid, reducing your electricity bill.

4. Monitor and Analyse

Knowledge is power! Implement energy monitoring tools to track your system's performance and overall energy consumption.  This data allows you to identify areas for further efficiency improvements.  For example, you might discover specific times when energy usage spikes, prompting adjustments to your daily habits or appliance use schedules.

Major Culprits Behind Losing Money Due to Solar Inefficiency

  1. The Declining Feed-in Tariff Dilemma: With 1 in 3 homes equipped with rooftop solar, feed-in tariffs (FiTs) are on the decline, and in some cases, even turning negative. Negative FiTs mean that solar owners are charged for exporting their solar energy to the grid, creating unexpected expenses for homeowners. 
  2. The Lack of Inverter Control: Many households lack inverter control for solar exports, leaving them vulnerable to fluctuating FiTs and unexpected charges.  Traditional inverters do not offer the functionality needed to manage solar exports efficiently, leading to frustration for solar owners.

The Solution: Smart Inverter Management Devices 

How Smart Inverter Management Devices Work 

These devices automate solar exports to avoid negative FiTs by controlling inverter production.

By monitoring energy prices or grid signals in real-time, the device adjusts solar exports to maximise returns and minimise expenses. 


  • Prevents unnecessary expenses by halting solar exports during times of negative FiTs
  • Maximises returns by allowing solar energy to flow into the grid when buy and sell prices are favorable. 
  • Provides peace of mind by ensuring efficient management of solar exports without the need for manual intervention.  
  • Smart inverter management devices are designed to be user-friendly, requiring minimal setup and maintenance
  • Homeowners do not need expensive retrofits or coding skills to install and use these devices – simply plug and play! 

Our Recommendation: Voltello LinkZB

While there are great brands for smart inverter control devices in the market, Voltello LinkZB stands out!

You can automate efficiency by using LinkZB.

Tailored for Flexible Export or Amber Electric customers, it revolutionises home energy management by enabling control and optimising solar exports to avoid export costs or comply with flexible export requirments. The key features include:  

  • real-time inverter response 
  • grid edge decisions 
  • export cost reduction 
  • a user-friendly app with a 2-year subscription, and 
  • compatibility with multiple inverter brands.  

Its easy DIY installation, multi-inverter support, real-time data insights, and extensive communication options make it a cost-effective, efficient solution for advanced home energy management. 

Maximise the financial benefits of your solar investment and let LinkZB do the work.

Go ahead and make the most of your solar assets the RIGHT way!  

For more information on Voltello products, click here!