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Co-founder Yvonne Power joins panel discussion ...
Village Energy co-founder Yvonne Power joined a panel discussion as part of the launch of the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC), 'Green Shoots: Opportunities to grow a sustainable WA Economy'...
Co-founder Yvonne Power joins panel discussion ...
Village Energy co-founder Yvonne Power joined a panel discussion as part of the launch of the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC), 'Green Shoots: Opportunities to grow a sustainable WA Economy'...
Village Energy awarded in the Volunteer Employe...
Village Energy is proud to have been recognised for the 2nd consecutive year as an employer who supports Emergency Services Volunteers in the workplace.Our State Emergency Service volunteer and employee...
Village Energy awarded in the Volunteer Employe...
Village Energy is proud to have been recognised for the 2nd consecutive year as an employer who supports Emergency Services Volunteers in the workplace.Our State Emergency Service volunteer and employee...
Village Energy wins ATC Award
Village Energy is thrilled to announce we are winners of the 2020 Australian Technologies Competition in the NERA - National Energy Resources Australia sponsored Energy category!The Australian Technologies Competition seeks...
Village Energy wins ATC Award
Village Energy is thrilled to announce we are winners of the 2020 Australian Technologies Competition in the NERA - National Energy Resources Australia sponsored Energy category!The Australian Technologies Competition seeks...
Lasting social impact through partnerships
In rural communities, women are often negatively impacted by unreliable electricity access. In India, Village Energy has partnered with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade via it Business Partnership...
Lasting social impact through partnerships
In rural communities, women are often negatively impacted by unreliable electricity access. In India, Village Energy has partnered with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade via it Business Partnership...
Village Energy announced as Top 9 Finalist in E...
Village Energy is proud to have been selected among the 9 finalists in the Grand Final Awards of the first edition of the EDF Pulse 2020 Starup Awards, which support...
Village Energy announced as Top 9 Finalist in E...
Village Energy is proud to have been selected among the 9 finalists in the Grand Final Awards of the first edition of the EDF Pulse 2020 Starup Awards, which support...
Village Energy announced as one of 19 finalists...
The Australian Technologies Competition seeks to identify and accelerate Australian technology 'scaleups' with the greatest global potential.​Supported by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy & Resources, the Industry Growth Centres...
Village Energy announced as one of 19 finalists...
The Australian Technologies Competition seeks to identify and accelerate Australian technology 'scaleups' with the greatest global potential.​Supported by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy & Resources, the Industry Growth Centres...